Interaction with other prominent guilds (that do not seek to horrendously murder our characters, of course) is indeed something that would promote growth and hopefully fun.
Fund raisers, from what I've been told, tend to be popular, albeit I would stress that these should be kept within the confines of what one would expect from the Church's representatives. So, hypothetically, that basically means that having a fund raiser, which would have women prance about in skimpy clothing would definitely not be something you'd expect, much less an all out fighting competition in which we'd see people bash the shite out of each other. Just for examples.
Now, as for the other services, it's been a good while since I've seen any citizen approach a member for either a quiet conversation that'd entail "Oh, I've been such a baaad person!" to "We'd like to get married." Granted, this is also due to me having been bothersome busy IRL and having been without a PC for nigh a week. Howbeit I recall from the "older" days that I was in general approached almost every day for spiritual consulting i.e.
I would therefore surmise that it would need to be stressed that the Church provides more than just healing and surgery to weddings; or indeed the odd "I'd like to make a dinner appointment in the infirmary, please", which has been stuck in my brain ever since Cedríc mentioned it.
Exactly how to do it could be done several ways, albeit that's no guarantee that people would take note, of course. However, with possibly regular sermons, advertising on the ER WoW forum both IC and/or OOC, and gently nudging people that one comes across IC and thus speak of what the Church can do, is a possibility.
And lastly, handing out food to the poor as an event is something I personally have often dreamed about. Perchance something that could be employed.
Oh, and lastly-lastly (honest) I would echo that it is indeed NOT the job of Cedríc and Zackariah to constantly give people something to do, much less keep track of EVERY single storyline that members and other are running. RP is something you can create, not only leech of. If you lack the imagination, then try cultivating it rather than giving up.
Oh, and when Ewy's around, she tends to be available if needed by ye moste humble and obidiente adherers of the moste holy and eternale Lighte.
The elephant knows; the elephant sees.